As a rule, I have no anxiety about medical procedures or injections of any kind.  During my cancer treatment, I even endured a number of lumbar punctures while in my hospital bed ☹, and did A-OK!  The only anxiety I have is waiting for test results 😊. 

Unfortunately, that freedom from anxiety excludes visits to the dentist!

When I was growing up, I saw the dentist for annual checkups.  Because of our fluoridated water, I rarely had a cavity.  As an adult, I have seen the hygienist twice a year for cleaning and a quick check up.  Generally, all has been well.

That all changed a few years ago.  I had a tooth extracted. And shortly thereafter I needed a crown.  Both procedures were stressful.  No one loves the sound of a drill!  And my dental anxiety was born.

I was never afraid of anything in the world except the dentist.

Taylor Caldwell

I now dread going to the dentist.  

I have tried a few local dental practices with dismal results.  I finally went back to a practice we used back in the 2000’s.  My husband never really left them and wouldn’t go anywhere else.   It is a hefty drive, usually in bad traffic, but I thought it was worth a try.  I had an exam there earlier in August and, sure enough, I needed a CROWN ☹.  I was not happy, but I felt confident I was in the right spot.

After a fitful night’s sleep, Tuesday was ‘crown day’.  While it was no picnic, I did OK.  I communicated my anxiety to the dentist and her assistant.  They were wonderful!  They kept me informed throughout the process and made the permanent crown right in the office (highly recommended).  I practiced my relaxed breathing and visualizations throughout and came through the ordeal exhausted, but relatively unscathed. 

I imagine I will need another crown in the future. While my anxiety still needs a lot of work, I am not dreading my next exam. At least I know I have found my perfect dental practice.  I should have listened to my husband long ago and stayed the course!

The Secret of Happiness is Having Three Things to Look Forward To, and Nothing to Dread!

Charlie Brown, Charles Schultz


BTW, today’s collage doesn’t have much to do with the dentist; it is a compilation of my August photos.

4 thoughts on “THE DENTIST

  1. Congratulations finding a dentist that you feel comfortable with. We’re going to Mexico (Algadonis)to get work done. I can’t say that I feel comfortable. Caroleen


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